SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜



三重奏成人教育机会中心(AEOC)是一个 免费的 由美国能源部资助的TRIO EOC项目.S. 教育部 and sponsored by SUNY Genesee Community College (GCC). Our department is made up of six professionals who are passionate about providing educational opportunities to the members of our community. We are knowledgeable and skilled in the fields of high school equivalencies, 高等教育的应用和过程, 州和联邦财政援助, 还有当地的奖学金机会, 状态, 国家层面.

While we are sponsored by SUNY GCC, our program is separate from SUNY GCC 招生 and 我们不代表学院进行招聘,根据我们的拨款法律法规. Our participants can and are encouraged to apply to and attend any college or school they wish!


“The Educational Opportunity Centers program provides counseling and information on college admissions to qualified adults who want to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education. The program also provides services to improve the financial and economic literacy of participants. An important objective of the program is to counsel participants on financial aid options, 包括基本的财务规划技能, 并在申请过程中提供帮助. The goal of the EOC program is to increase the number of adult participants who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.” – http://www2.ed.gov/programs/trioeoc/index.html 

The Educational Opportunity Center programs were enacted under the 1972 Amendments of the Higher Education Act of 1965. 平等机会委员会是根据高等教育法第四章授权成立的, 它也授权联邦学生援助项目.

AEOC is one of only three TRIO EOCs (different from SUNY EOCs) in 纽约 State and the only one outside of 纽约 City. AEOC也是全国142个TRIO EOC项目之一. 平机会拨款每五年批出. 在过去的拨款周期中, TRIO EOC programs received $48 million nationally to provide free services for almost 200,000名成年人. AEOC每年为目标地区的1000多名学生提供服务. – http://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/education-department-awards-48-million-trio-educational-opportunity-centers-grants-improve-adult-college-readiness


“The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, 第一代大学生, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs. TRIO also includes a training program for directors and staff of TRIO projects.” – U.S. 教育部


如果你认为你需要列出的服务, 填写我们的免费,快速,简单的申请. Applications can be completed from any mobile device or computer and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. 一旦你的申请被提交, please allow 1-2 business days for one of our outreach specialists to contact you.

请不要犹豫 lol电竞菠菜 lol菠菜竞猜申请的任何问题.



  • U.S. 公民或能够提供以下任何一项的人:
    • 一个一个数
    • 其他正在申请公民身份的证明
  • 高中生和/或对继续教育感兴趣的成年人
  • Residents of and/or students attending/considering school in one of the following counties:
    • 乔纳斯郡
    • 利文斯顿县
    • 奥尔良县
    • 怀俄明县
    • 阿勒格尼县
    • Cattaraugus县

The majority of participants we work with are first-generation students (neither parent has a 4-year/bachelor’s degree) who meet certain 收入准则. (注:这些数字是基于 “应纳税所得额”)


  • 现在是高中三年级和四年级
  • 在校大学生
  • 希望转学的大学生
  • 退伍军人和退伍军人或现役军人的家属
  • Adults who had previously dropped out of high school and would like to earn their diploma
  • Adults who had previously dropped out of college and would like to earn their degree
  • 希望在目前的工作中晋升或转行的成年人
  • 最近刚搬到社区的人
  • Adults currently enrolled in High School Equivalency programs who are planning to go on to a college or trade/technical school
  • 失业的成年人和最近被解雇的成年人
  • 单亲父母
  • 被监禁或最近被监禁的人


  • 研究潜在的学习项目和课程
  • 研究不同学校的录取政策和标准
  • 研究你可以选择的高中同等学历
  • SAT和ACT考试报名
  • 检索成绩单
  • 完成大学申请
  • Filling out necessary enrollment paperwork, including Certificates of Residency


  • 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)
  • Completing 状态 financial aid applications, including 纽约’s TAP Application
  • 了解各种可用的经济援助方案,包括:
    • 佩尔助学金
    • SEOG
    • 利用格兰特
    • 精益求精的奖学金
    • 资助学生贷款
    • 无补贴学生贷款
    • 联邦工作研究
  • Explanations of aid available for full-time students and part-time students
  • Completing school-specific documentation and verification for financial aid
  • 寻找和申请各种奖学金
  • Retrieving financial aid transcripts from previously attended institutions
  • Applying for financial aid appeals to regain aid-eligibility when it has been lost


  • 蒙哥马利G.I. 比尔
  • 针对退伍军人的助学金和奖学金
  • 退伍军人社区资源


  • 职业评估,帮助你匹配你的技能, 人才, 以及对职业的抱负
  • lol菠菜竞猜培训机会和特定职业的讲习班
  • 了解包括工资水平在内的劳动力市场信息, 工作要求, 资格/教育水平是必要的
  • Research on how to utilize educational opportunities to achieve your career goals


lol菠菜竞猜AEOC申请, 你将被要求披露应税收入的范围, 根据我们的拨款条例,哪些是必需的. If students are determined independent per financial aid standards (typically all persons under 24 with no spouse or dependents), they will need to use their parent(s)/guardian(s)’ taxable income and get a parent/guardian signature for verification.

Taxable income is the amount of income used to calculate how much tax an individual owes the government in a given tax year. 这与你的工资或总收入不同. 在几乎所有的情况下,应税收入都少于你的总收入. Taxable income can be found on either the IRS Form 1040 on Line 11b OR the NYS Form 201-IT on line 37 or 38. If you cannot readily find this form, you can calculate your taxable income using the formula below:

Gross Income – Above Line Deductions – Below Line Deductions = Taxable Income


总收入包括, 但不限于, 工资, 工资, 奖金, 提示, 租金收入, 一些政府福利(例如.e. 失业、残疾等.), 股息, 资本利得, 利息收入, 附加福利, 版税, 还有退休分配. 如果你结婚了,并且共同提交了2019年的税款, 你还必须包括你配偶的全部收入.

Note: Any income that is explicitly tax-exempt does not count towards this number (i.e. child support payments, veterans’ benefits, welfare, workers’ comp, SSI, etc.)

线上扣除可以包括, 但不限于, 租金减免, 一些商业扣除, 股票损失, 移动费用, 已付学生贷款利息, 和赡养费.

线下扣除要么是标准的,要么是逐项扣除. 通常, individuals only itemize their deductions if it will add up to more than the standard deduction.


A和B结婚了,并共同提交了2019年的税款. A赚20美元,000美元一年,B赚35美元,我一年挣1000万英镑,没有额外收入, 总收入是55美元,000. They have $0 in above the line deductions and took the standard deduction of $24,400. 因此,他们的估计应税收入是30,600美元.

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